our team
harmonic collaboration
We are a global group of experts in sound, vibration and frequencies in service of the interconnected evolution of humanity. We found each other through resonance, or more accurately, resonance found and united us, one by one. We are so grateful to get to do this together.
Our group is unique in how we co-create - in a highly resonant field where science, the arts, spirit and sound intersect - where we are able to deeply listen through our expertise and innocence, our intellect and our love, and be guided in magical and highly effective ways.
Together we are currently sound specialized architects, film directors, artists, instrument inventors and makers, heads of design at Google, bio-geometry experts, activators, psychiatrists, musicians, entrepreneurs, visionaries, sound experience creators, futurist curriculum artists, many of us several of the above. We share the collective dream of expanding the sound and resonance movement to elevate the spirit of humanity through all of our projects.

we seed the future of sound as a modern collaborative movement.
- resonance group -
resonance group
Learn more about our team's experience and love of resonance below!

kim riccelli
creative director
Kim is an avid explorer of consciousness with a deep love for creating tools and experiences that foster direct awareness of the interconnectedness of all of life.
ivy ross
advisory committee member
Ivy Ross is currently the Vice President of Design for the Hardware Product Area at Google, which was officially formed in 2016. Since 2017, she and her team launched a family of consumer hardware products ranging from smartphones to smart speakers, earning over 135 global design awards.
alan tower
Cofounder of the bay area’s Green Music Network and an international team, Resonance Group 501c3, Tower’s early focus was in recording and performing original music, mostly acoustic - some solo, some with bands.


douglas ayres
advisory committee member
A keen observer of cultures and wisdom traditions, Proprietor Douglas Ayres believes that harmony - in space, relationships, music, and proportions - is key to the warmth of the Allegretto experience.
hans houkes
advisory committee member
Hans Houkes is a ceramic instrument builder, musician, inventor & experience designer. He has a big passion for creating peacefull sound experiences for all ages, using his instruments and interactive sound installations.
shea trahan
advisory committee member
Shea Trahan, AIA, LEED AP, is a licensed architect and holds a leadership position in the New Orleans based firm of Trapolin-Peer Architects.

megan poe
advisory committee member
Dr. Megan Poe, M.D. (“poe”). Poe’s name means from darkness to light, and poesis means to make something from nothing, which are two gestures she loves. She is here to assist in our highest most Imagination to become Reality though Love.

amber hartnell
Amber Hartnell is a mystic muse, evolutionary catalyst and creative alchemist who ceaselessly rides the unfurling crest of personal and collective evolution, inspiring connection and innovation in all she engages with.

lauren bartfai
director of operations
Lauren Bartfai is a driven community builder who’s passionate about exploring the potential of sound for planetary benefit. She serves the mission of Resonance Group through coordinating operations for optimal coherence and efficiency.